Red, Bike & Green Rides for a Healthy Love

Founded by Oakland resident Jenna Burton, this initiative uses bi-monthly bike rides to promote wholesome black communities.

By Asraa Mustufa May 11, 2011

Our office is filled with health nuts. Some of us are hardcore, and others are simply trying to justify our neglected gym memberships. Nonetheless, we love to hear stories of people who proactively take charge of their health (remember Ernestine Shepherd?), because we’re surrounded by stories of just how difficult that can be for many folks of color. That’s why we were overjoyed to hear about Red, Bike and Green, a community-led initiative out of Oakland that seeks to spread the joy of cycling among black folks.

The group has a three point plan that focuses on health, economics and the environment. Not to mention that they’ve got cool t-shirts and free bike giveaways. Through bimonthly group rides, the group promotes getting good exercise, saving money on transportation, supporting black businesses, and simply bringing people together. Their second season of rides is under way.

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