“My Great Recession” – We Want Your Stories

By Julianne Hing May 12, 2009

Calling all young POC writers, artists, bloggers! Where you at? I was always told that young people my age had it easy growing up in a time of unprecedented material wealth. "You don’t know how good you have it," I was told about people my age. But in a matter of months the economy’s come tumbling down on us. It has been brutal. This is our generation’s great…recession. How are you coping? We want to hear stories from high school, college-aged (loosely defined!) folks who are surviving this recession. How are you making ends meet? How’s the job market treating you? How are your parents and fam doing? What are your survival tips? Are you about to graduate from high school? College? How have your plans changed because of the recession? Everyone’s got their thinky macro theories, but we want to know how this recession has affected you and how you’re getting through. This is our recession. Time to tell our stories. POC teens and twentysomethings: send your 300-word, first person narratives OR visual art OR video blogs to submissions [at] colorlines [dot] com. We’ll post as many of your stories as we can next week, when the Applied Research Center releases its new report, "Race and Recession: How Inequity Rigged the Economy and How to Change the Rules."
