Meet ‘Hijarbie,’ Marvel in Her Glorious Outfits

By Kenrya Rankin Feb 05, 2016

Who has 13,300 followers, a dope custom wardrobe and two (non-opposable) thumbs? Hijarbie, the doll concept dreamed up by 24-year-old Nigerian fashion designer Haneefah Adam. Adam’s wildely popular Instagram account features a Barbie doll dressed in a hijab and modest outfits that Adams sews just for her. 

“I want Hijarbie to inspire the Muslim girl child. It’s about having a doll that looks like her, that represents her own cultural and religious background,” Adams told Buzzfeed. “At the end of the day, it will create a sense of value and will be inspiring them to be more confident, more driven, to believe more in themselves which leads to an appreciation of herself and her modest lifestyle and upbringing.”

The looks are often inspired by fashion bloggers. Adams, who is Black, posted on the account that she will soon add more diversity to the photos, citing a lack of availability of dolls of color in her area.


I’m Haneefah Adam (@muslimahanie) a Nigerian and I’m behind #Hijarbie! I also currently own and run a modest lifestyle brand, Hanie (@haniecollection). If you’d like to ask me anything. I’d do my best to answer them now. Meanwhile, some FAQs. Why isn’t the page diversified in terms of race: The simple truth is, I couldn’t find the Different types in Nigeria (no Amazon or eBay or anything, Lol), I’d have loved to dress up a black doll myself too. I’ve ordered for some internationally and they’ll soon be here I basically started with what I had. When will purchase be possible: As soon as possible, we are in the process of building a website and working towards production and making hijarbie available for purchase soon. By the way, where are my followers from? xx

A photo posted by Mini Hijab Fashion! (@hijarbie) on

She also has plans to sell the re-outfitted dolls via the web.