Congressional Demographics Remain the Same

By Jessica Valoris Nov 09, 2006

The RaceWire Beat – 11.09.06 Congressional Demographics Remain the Same Capitol Hill demographic goes slightly more female and there is no racial shift, but minorities’ influence may rise. Bush Replaces Rumsfeld with… Another Rumsfeld Because who but another "Rummy" would stay the course in Iraq with the Bush administration? Minnesota Lawmaker is the First Muslim in Congress Ellison, a state lawmaker and lawyer, has become the first Muslim elected to Congress, and the first person of color elected to Congress from Minnesota. Mental Health Crisis Strains New Orleans Mental health problems soared after Hurricane Katrina, just as the city’s ability to handle them plummeted, creating a crisis so acute that police officers say they take some disturbed people to a destination of last resort — jail. The RaceWire Beat is a digest of the day’s top news stories on race and politics collected by the staff at ColorLines magazine.
