Why Colorlines is Different

We meet you where you are

We recognize that we are all coming to Colorlines with different political orientations, consciousness, and life experiences. Together we will build and deepen our perspectives through rigorous analysis, dialogue, and reflection. Colorlines offers multiple entry points to challenge us to dig a little deeper, interrogate further, and understand historical, political and contemporary issues through the lens of race, power and democracy.

We make meaning, not headlines

Tired of the media only scratching the surface of issues that matter to you and completely ignoring justice-affirming stories? At Colorlines, we are not in the business of click-baits and empty engagement. Through virtual events, book discussions, kitchen table conversations, fireside chats, and more, we strive to guide our activism by understanding structural harm and making meaning of our world.

We build community here

We recognize that the act of getting to liberation is a healing process, and in order to get there, we need spaces where we can breathe, heal, and have joy. This is the space to sharpen our analysis while engaging and being connected to other readers, activists, thinkers, students, educators, and public service workers who are committed to building a different reality. 

We are not empty, talking heads 

At Colorlines, you will not be inundated with voices and opinions from people and organizations that preach justice but have not done the work. Our legacy and access to movement insiders ensure that you will hear from subject matter experts and community members with lived experiences.

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Photo by Andrew Seng

Unpack Complex Issues

Colorlines does not shy away from engaging in difficult dialogue.
We make space for it and leave room for you to come back with questions.

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