Your (Mostly) Daily Dose of Love

Today's submission comes from reader greenelent.

By Kai Wright Oct 12, 2010

I wrote yesterday that we’ll close out as many days as possible on our site with a celebration of love. Today’s comes from ColorLines reader greenelent. The photo above is my favorite from a photo essay greenelent posted to the comments. The photo is titled "Baby, Love," from the essay titled, simply, "Love." Thanks for sharing greenelent.

And we encourage you to do the same. Send your own suggestions to [email protected], and be sure to put Celebrate Love in the subject line. Send links to videos, graphics, photos, quotes, whatever. Or just chime in to the comments below and I’ll find you. Be sure to let us know you’ve got the rights to share any media you send.

There may be a long road ahead to justice, but surely it begins with everyone doing their best to love themselves and one another.