Tough Week for Immigration, Here’s a Little Funny

By Malena Amusa May 25, 2007

It’s been a tense week for immigration activists as the Senate kicks around its bi-partisan bill that has few promising features and that will dramatically impact what it means to be an American. We’ve done a lot of stories on RaceWire, recapping the progress of debate around the bill and making the call to attention. But here’s a little funny to lighten things up– the first is from the all too hilarious comedian Vidur Kapur. He’s an Indian, gay immigrant who’s got a whole lot to say about being just that. And more immigrant humor from Canadian-Indian comedian Russel Peters. Check this out: And for your viewing pleasure: here’s the comprehensive list of RaceWire’s immigration coverage and analysis this week. "And where are our people on this?" "If you don’t know, Here ya go." McCain Courts Legalization, Latino Votes. "Crucial Guest-Worker Amendment Defeated." "No May Deadline for Immigration Bill." "Senate Debates on Immigration Bill Start Today."
