Today’s Love: Features Lesbian “Bliss”

Aisha Mills and Danielle Moodie break ground in the mag's online wedding column.

By Kai Wright Oct 13, 2010 featured its first lesbian couple in its "Bridal Bliss" column today. Aisha Mills and Danielle Moodie were among the first couples to apply for a marriage license when Washington, D.C., legalized same-sex marriage. featured dozens of photos from their August wedding. The images speak for themselves.

At ColorLines, we’re ending the day as often as possible with something celebrating love. We welcome your ideas for posts. Send suggestions to [email protected], and be sure to put Celebrate Love in the subject line. You can send links to videos, graphics, photos, quotes, whatever. Or just chime in to the comments below and I’ll find you. Be sure to let us know you’ve got the rights to share any media you send.

There may be a long road ahead to justice, but surely it begins with everyone doing their best to love themselves and one another.