They’re after familia: Immigration raids at music concerts

By Daisy Hernandez May 14, 2007

ICE is arresting Latinos across the country including at a shopping mall and now they’ve apparently moved onto music concerts. That’s according to members of Mexico’s legendary music group Los Tigres del Norte. The Grammy-award winning group is finding that when they come to town in the United States, police and ICE officials are taking position near the concert to harass people and in some cases make arrests. The group members are clear that this isn’t immigration sin racismo. “They’ve got their war against terrorism confused with dark skin or dark skin is a synonym for terrorism and drug trafficking,” said Eduardo Hernández, a group member. And if you missed it, ICE is also raiding at shopping malls. All this is an attack on families of color. Who else but moms and kids and abuelas do you find at a shopping mall? And young people and old alike go to the Tigres concerts. We’ve let the right wingers take the idea of family values from the progressive agenda and we should get it back. An attack on immigrants is an attack on anyone with dark skin and on our familias tambien.
