Share This Painting of Freddie Gray

By Painting: Kim Sarabia, Words: Akiba Solomon Apr 28, 2015

By now we have Freddie Gray’s face burned into our memories. His image, along with the thousands that show his native Baltimore in a state of chaos, serves as yet another example of how police violence against civilians of color can impact a city. A neighborhood. A family. An individual. 

On Monday, April 27, the day of Gray’s funeral and the beginning of a Baltimore on fire, in a state of emergency, under curfew, we asked activist and artist Kim Sarabia to create a piece about Gray. Using gouache—an opague form of watercolor—and collage, Sarabia shows a somber Gray who is forever tied to the city of Baltimore.

Just as you’ve shared our previous pieces about victims of police violence, we ask that you to share this painting of Gray.

And it goes without saying that there will be more. 
