“Reverse Racism”: Word Distracts from the Big White Elephant of Systemic Racism

Terry Keleher digs into the term and explains that u2018reverse racismu2019 is nothing more than a way for those in power to change the subject away from systemic racism, a system that puts people of color at a disadvantage from birth until death.

By Channing Kennedy Jul 16, 2009

Ever since Sonia Sotomayor, a Latina woman, was first mentioned as a contender for the Supreme Court, we’ve heard a lot from some quarters about how her success has been nothing more than the result of ‘reverse racism.’ ARC’s Terry Keleher digs into the term and explains that ‘reverse racism’ is nothing more than a way for those in power to change the subject away from systemic racism, a system that puts people of color at a disadvantage from birth until death.

For extra credit, check out this recommended reading from Matthew Yglesias for the Daily Beast, laying it down on the GOP’s embarassingly race-transparent approach to Sotomayor.

about the WORD! series:
rnWords. You cant escape them. They headline the evening news, buzz around the water cooler and blow up your cell. They invoke powerful images that convey values, beliefs and an understanding of how the world works. And when repeated, words shape how problems are defined and which solutions are pursued. Words. They whitewash. They blindside. They leave you seeing red. In this series, ColorLines Magazine looks at what we talk about when we talk about race.
