Remembering Our Dead

By Daisy Hernandez Nov 20, 2008

November 20th is the national day of remembrance for transgender men and women who have been targeted and murdered because of their gender identities. I wrote a story four years ago for ColorLines about Gwen Araujo, a trans Chicana teen in California, who was brutally murdered. Recounting the details of what Gwen’s attackers did left me in shock for weeks. Talking to LGBT teens and adults in her hometown and also Gwen’s mother reminded me of what we can all do: demand media attention, create community-wide support for trans folks and insist that these murders be classified as hate crimes. The murders unfortunately haven’t stopped. This summer, another Latina teen-Angie Zapata-was killed in Colorado by a man who claimed the trans-phobic defense. And just on Monday, a black trans woman Lateisha Green was killed in Syracuse, New York. For more stories and commentaries, check out the LGBT blogs like GLAAD‘s and The Bilerico Project. It’s not just a queer issue. It’s one that affects all of our communities.
