Not In Arizona? Here’s Who To Follow On Twitter for #SB1070 Updates

By Julianne Hing Apr 23, 2010

It’s a new day, but for people in Tucson, Arizona, hundreds of whom have been camped out at the Capitol building for 24-hour vigils, the protests never stopped. The momentum of yesterday’s walkouts and massive protests has pushed Gov. Jan Brewer to action, but people are reporting that she will sign the bill into law in half an hour, at 10am PST. Above is a video of Gov. Jan Brewer speaking at a Chicanos por la Causa event yesterday. She said she would "do what is right," but gave no clue as to what stance she would take. These are the blogs and folks on Twitter who will keep you in the loop with on the ground updates about in Phoenix to fight SB 1070: @newman_chris: Chris Newman, the legal director for the National Day Laborer Organizing NEtwork @jneriR14A: Jorge, an activist affiliated with Reform Immigration for America @BorderAction: Border Action Network, the Arizona-based immigration rights group Standing FIRM: the blog of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement
