More L.A. County Children Live in Poverty

By Jessica Valoris Oct 19, 2006

The RaceWire Beat – 10.19.06 More L.A. County Children Live in Poverty A new report indicates that nearly three-quarters of the families with children are struggling. Calif. authorities: GOP campaign warning Hispanics State investigators have linked a Republican campaign to letters sent to thousands of Southern California Latinos warning them they could go to jail or be deported if they vote next month. City Council Holds Hearing On Bus Fumes In Harlem Harlem residents accuse MTA of environmental racism. Flow of Immigrants’ Money to Latin America Surges With immigration to the United States a regular part of the life cycle for large numbers of men and women in many parts of Latin America, sending money back to relatives at home has developed into a moral obligation. Bleak College Graduation Rate in the Nation’s Capitol Only 9 percent of D.C. public school freshmen will complete college within five years of graduating from high school, a figure far below the national average. The RaceWire Beat is a digest of the day’s top news stories on race and politics collected by the staff at ColorLines magazine.
