Michelle Obama: Fashion Icon, Feminist, or Both?

Clutch Magazine's Jamilah Lemeiux writes that white feminists have still been slow to have the first lady's back.

By Thoai Lu Mar 11, 2011

This week, Jamilah Lemieux at Clutch Magazine asked what’s likely to be a complex question: Do white feminists have Michelle Obama’s back? Lemieux wrote that it seems like only black folks, primarily black women, have been protective of the First Lady:

It’s mind boggling that a woman who embodies so much of what contemporary feminism has advocated for (having had the opportunity to have a superior educational and professional career and also, finding a loving partner and being free to raise children in a safe environment on her own terms) doesn’t seem to have captivated much attention…

Recently, both conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh and politician-turned-reality TV star Sarah Palin have blasted Mrs.Obama’s attempts to get Americans to make wiser food choices. Limbaugh criticized her for failing to "project the image of the women you might see on the Sports Illustrated cover," what Lemeiux conceives as an "absurd criticism."

While the First Lady’s much-touted legal education and social status set her apart from the struggles facing most women of color and women in blue-collar jobs, many seem to gloss over the achievements she had under her belt even before her husband took office three years ago. Although the White House has worked hard to transform her reputation from that of a so-called "angry black woman" or, worse still — Barack Obama’s "baby mama" —  she is more recognized as a rising fashion icon as opposed to a feminist worth fighting with.

Read more over at Clutch Magazine.