Housing Watchdogs Call Post-Katrina Ordinance Racist

By Jessica Valoris Oct 06, 2006

The RaceWire Beat – 10.06.06 Housing Watchdogs Call Post-Katrina Ordinance ‘Racist’ St. Bernard Parish passes ordinance that restricts renting homes outside of the family. Students Tells Minutemen To ‘Go Home’ Gilchrist, founder of the Minutemen Project, is protested off the stage while making a speech at Columbia University. Border Fence Not in the Budget Congressional roadblocks in border fence’s path. Women Face Greatest Threat of Violence at Home Study shows that violence against women is common in both the developed and developing world, as well as in both rural and urban areas. The RaceWire Beat is a digest of the day’s top news stories on race and politics collected by the staff at ColorLines magazine.
