Help Us Get Started… And Excuse Our Dust

We're flipping over our new site. I just know you'll love it, too!

By Kai Wright Jun 25, 2010

We’re flipping over our new site. I just *know* you’ll love it, too! For a full run down of what we’re doing and why we’re doing it, check out [my letter in the new Hot Topics](/archives/2010/06/the_new_colorlines_debuts_at_the_us_social_forum.html) bar. Here’s the short story: We’re eager to lead in showing how smart, aggressive, reporting-driven journalism can thrive on the Web. And as an independent, community-based site, going digital frees us be more ambitious than ever in our journalism. So stay tuned for some muckracking. Today’s relaunch is the first stage of what will be a gradual makeover. We’ll be rolling out lots of cool new features and refining our coverage over the coming weeks and months. I’m particularly excited about how we’ll be able to connect you with ways to impact the stories we cover through the new Action channel. In the meantime, here’s three things you can do to help us build: 1. Give us feedback. Tell us everything. What you like, what you hate, glitches and gremlins you catch in the system. Email us a the contact link in the footer. 2. Be patient with us. We’re figuring it out as we go, so we’ll screw some things up. And we’re still getting things in order on our fancy new site (particularly in the archives), so excuse the dust. 3. Sign up, chime in and spread the word! We aim to build a real community here, and we want your voice in the mix. So get yourself a log in and go nuts in the comments of the articles and blogs–just don’t be a jerk to anybody else while doing so. Then forward, Tweet, FaceBook and generally light up the Web with any of our content you like. Ok, I’ll shut up now. Go check out Julianne Hing’s amazing [reporting from the Oscar Grant trial](/archives/2010/06/ex-bart_cop_im_imperfect_but_no_murderer.html).