Guantanamo Guards ‘Boast About Abuse’

By Jessica Valoris Oct 16, 2006

The RaceWire Beat – 10.16.06 Guantanamo Guards ‘Boast About Abuse’ Troops at Guantanamo Bay routinely hit detainees, and then bragged about it afterwards, according to a US military lawyer. Study Finds That Young Blacks Are The Most Politically Engaged According to a recent survey from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, African Americans are generally the most politically engaged racial/ethnic group. Affirmative Action’s Future on the Line With less than 30 days until the Nov. 7 vote, national civil-rights leaders are racing to inform the public that affirmative action is still necessary in Michigan. Protecting the Black Vote NAACP will monitor November elections in 10 states with concentrations of black voters, and those with a history of polling problems. The RaceWire Beat is a digest of the day’s top news stories on race and politics collected by the staff at ColorLines magazine.
