Gov. Schwarzenegger Threatens Education Cut; La. Frat Holds Blackface “Slave Auction”

By The News Oct 30, 2008

Fraternity Suspended for Blackface "Slave Auction" The Kappa Sigma Fraternity at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, LA, has been shut down after pictures of pledges in blackface during an annual "slave auction" appeared on Facebook. NBC33TV. Black Chamber of Commerce to Demand Scrutiny of Bailout Contracts The Black Chamber of Commerce wants to know which firms of color will be subcontracted to assist PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young in the auditing and general accounting work for the U.S. Treasury Department in monitoring the $700 billion bank bailout. New America Media. American Apparel Pushes Immigration Debate "While immigration is almost a non-issue in the U.S. presidential campaign, American Apparel, the biggest garment manufacturer in the country, is doing its best to keep the debate alive, saying legalizing foreign workers is good for business." Reuters. Schwarzenegger Robs Students, Warns Possible $4 Billion Education Cut California could face a $10 billion budget shortfall this year, and on Tuesday, Gov. Schwarzenegger warned that education funding could be cut by $2 billion to $4 billion to help bridge the looming budget deficit. San Francisco Chronicle.
