Friday Twitter Break: Talib Kweli Is Headed to Phoenix

By Julianne Hing May 21, 2010

This was the week of Rand Paul–he made headlines for winning a runoff in Kentucky Tuesday and is again in the news. Paul called Obama "un-American" for trying to hold BP accountable for the Gulf Coast oil spill. At least his comments makes him great fodder for Twitter. It was also the week of the Dream Act. The Dreamers want the bill passed as a piece of stand alone legislation right now. They’ve taken over East Lansing, Mich., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Phoenix, to let it be known. And Talib Kweli will be in Phoenix this weekend. Check his account for more details. As always, you can find ColorLines at @racialjustice. Happy weekending everyone. May next week’s headlines be dominated less by Rand Paul.