Friday Twitter Break: Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Surprises No One

By Julianne Hing Apr 16, 2010

Friday, sweet Friday, has arrived. And as usual, folks are taking to their Twitter accounts to sound off, share headlines, and mobilize people. It’s a jam-packed edition this week. The news that the SEC is charging Goldman Sachs with fraud has delighted many. Is anyone genuinely surprised, or sympathetic? Many are still reacting to the Tea Party actions this week. Our own President Obama took to his Twitter account to share good news, and people are reacting to the Arizona law that legalized racial profiling of immigrants in the state. Today, Goodwin Liu, Obama’s nominee for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, is facing a conservative onslaught during his Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. Right-wing Obama Watch News unearthed evidence of why Liu is just too damn radical to be a judge–you’ll have to click after the jump to see. So much news and so many tweets. Enjoy! And be sure to follow us over at @racialjustice.
