Eric Holder Blasts Ferguson’s ‘Disturbing’ Pattern of Racial Bias

By Julianne Hing Mar 04, 2015

The Department of Justice has declined to charge former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, but that doesn’t mean outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder is backing off the city. In a speech today, Holder blasted Ferguson for its "routine" constitutional violations and "disturbing" pattern of racial bias against black residents, The Guardian reports.

Holder’s remarks came on the heels of the release of a Justice Department investigation into the practices and policies of Ferguson’s police department and court system. "It is time for Ferguson’s leaders to take immediate, wholesale and structural corrective action," Holder said

The Department of Justice also announced this morning that it would not charge Wilson, and there’s little surprise here. The announcement came seven months after Ferguson police officer killed Michael Brown, and three months after a St. Louis grand jury declined to indict Wilson. "There is no evidence upon which prosecutors can rely to disprove Wilson’s stated subjective belief that he feared for his safety," the DOJ’s criminal report read, ABC reported.