A Day After a Fatal Shooting, Questions, Mourning and Protest

By Jessica Valoris Nov 27, 2006

The RaceWire Beat – 11.27.06 A Day After a Fatal Shooting, Questions, Mourning and Protest Hundreds of people in Queens angrily protested, prayed and mourned in vigils, and demanded that the officers resign after police killed a man and wounded two more in a hail of 50 bullets. Another Social Conflict Confronts New Orleans The “second line” clubs of New Orleans, which lead the city’s distinctive black tradition of Sunday parading, say they feel threatened by new police fees, the latest sign of conflict between old customs here and the altered social landscape left by Hurricane Katrina. Housing on Staten Island: “Racism is alive and well” Residents of the section of Staten Island known as New Brighton, long earmarked for affordable housing, have seen no new homes. The RaceWire Beat is a digest of the day’s top news stories on race and politics collected by the staff at ColorLines magazine.
