Administration Tells EPA to Remove ‘Climate Change’ Page From Its Website

By Yessenia Funes Jan 25, 2017

President Donald Trump ordered the EPA to remove the climate change page from its website, according to employees who spoke with Reuters on condition of anonymity. 

The page could be down as soon as today (January 25), the sources told Reuters. However, employees were still attempting to convince the White House to preserve parts of the website, which contains links to climate change data, reports and research. "If the website goes dark, years of work we have done on climate change will disappear," one of the EPA staffers told Reuters.

Climate scientists foresaw such an event. Since Trump won the election in November, scientists across North America have been scrambling to copy U.S. climate data. For climate skeptic Myron Ebell, who oversaw the EPA transition, the administration’s request isn’t surprising. “"My guess is the web pages will be taken down, but the links and information will be available," he told Reuters.

The federal sector has experienced a chain of commands from the new administration this week. Leaks came out late Monday night (January 23) that the White House has ordered a freeze on EPA grants and contracts. There is also silence from federal agencies: Employees are limited from using social media and issuing public statements, Politico reports.

However, these actions have not stopped federal employees from leaking information. Investigative nonprofit media outlet ProPublica posted to its Facebook page yesterday (January 24) that the most popular page on its site at the moment was “How to Leak to ProPublica.”