Activists Gather Around The Country To #SayHerName

By Sameer Rao May 20, 2016

Activists gathered in cities around the country yesterday (May 19) for a national day of action protesting state violence against Black women, making #SayHerName a Twitter trending topic in the process. 

Many of yesterday’s actions were organized in part by a collective that includes Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100), Project South, Ferguson Action and the Black Lives Matter network. Organizers with other groups, such as those from the Bay Area Dream Defenders who organized a rally in support of three girls who drowned in Florida during a police chase, planned parallel actions. From Los Angeles to New York, Chicago to New Orleans, activists gathered to highlight police and White supremacist violence against Black women, as well as state complicity in apparent cover-ups. Yesterday’s actions echo similar ones last year. Social media users amplified the actions with their own tweets, which were hashtagged #SayHerName. Check out some of those tweets, including photos and video from the actions and statistics about state violence against Black women: