10 Tweets: Munitions in Ferguson

By Aura Bogado Aug 13, 2014

It’s getting hard to distinguish Ferguson, Missouri, from a war zone these days–a war in which one side has its arms up in the air with signs demanding justice for Michael Brown, while the other is armed with more conventional weapons.

Local police, backed by other authorities, roam the streets in tanks and armored trucks, and have been dispersing crowds with tear gas and rubber bullets. Every morning, residents and journalists take to Twitter to post photos of the canisters, magazines and bullets left behind from the previous nights:

A volunteer cleans up rubber bullets from the street


Wooden batons used to disperse protestors


Tear gas canister, magazine and rubber bullets


Another tear gas canister and more rubber bullets


And more rubber bullets


Unknown munition


And even more rubber bullets


Peppershots, filled with hot chili powder and designed to
burst on impact 
to irritate the nose, eyes and throat.


Rubber bullet magazine


And, of course, even more rubber bullets