1 Million People Sign NAACP’s Petition for Zimmerman Justice Dept. Charges

Zimmerman's not out of the woods yet.

By Jamilah King Jul 17, 2013

Within hours of a Florida jury’s decision to acquit George Zimmerman of all charges related to the death of Trayvon Martin, the NAACP launched a peition calling on the Justice Department to prosecute the former neighborhood watchman on civil rights charges. The petition quickly picked up steam — even crashing the civil right’s organization’s website for severala hours — and has now recieved over one million signatures.

"I knew I was not alone in my outrage, anger, and heartbreak over this decision," NAACP President Ben Jealous said in an official statement obtained by The Grio. "When a teenager’s life is taken, and there is no accountability for the man who killed him, nothing seems right in the world. But we cannot let these emotions rule us."

"This is the power of one million voices," he added. "One voice in angry protest can be ignored, but when one million people speak as one – and thousands more take to the street in peaceful protest, rallies and vigils – we can change the world."

The Justice Department has confirmed that the Zimmerman case is under review.

You can read the peition, which is addressed to Attorney General Eric Holder, after the jump.